If animals could talk | Boulder vet clinic

If animals could talk | Boulder vet clinic

If animals could talk | Boulder vet clinic In my opinion, one of the best qualities of dogs and cats is that they can’t talk.  Everyone else is talking all the time, and quite frankly it’s exhausting.  But not dogs and cats.  They are quiet company and aren’t...
Ew, Anal Glands | Boulder Vet Clinic

Ew, Anal Glands | Boulder Vet Clinic

Ew, Anal Glands | Boulder Vet Clinic Anal glands are the worst.  They’re so gross.  In my opinion their smell is perhaps one of the most horrid odors there is.  If you’re out of the loop on anal glands, I apologize for the disruption of your blissful ignorance. ...
Boulder vet hospital | our mission

Boulder vet hospital | our mission

Boulder vet hospital | Our Mission RiseVET opened in September of 2020 with the intention of creating a culture-focused veterinary practice.  It’s been an incredible first year and a half, and we’ve been honored and humbled by Boulder’s response to...
Marshall Fire | Boulder Veterinary Hospital

Marshall Fire | Boulder Veterinary Hospital

Marshall Fire | Boulder Veterinary Hospital | The Marshall Fire on Dec 30th was both devastating and completely unexpected.  Here in Colorado, we are unfortunately accustomed to a summer fire season.  However, a fire of this magnitude seems to be something that...